About producing the same report for different divisions

You might have situations in which you need to distribute portions of a report to different people in various parts of your organization. Depending on their position within the organization, each recipient might want to see a different section of the same basic report. For example, a CFO would want to see results for the entire company, while a store manager would want to see results for a single store within the company.

Individual reporting options let you define one report, but generate several different versions based on the different levels in your company. You select individual reporting options when defining report parameters on Level Range (RW00.2), Account Range (RW00.3), or Level Override (RW00.4).


In LGE's organization, they have these needs for balance sheets:

  • The CEO of LGE wants to see a balance sheet for the entire organization.

  • Each Director wants to see a balance sheet for their respective division.

They defined a balance sheet for the entire company. When defining parameters for the report, they selected Company and Level 1 as individual reporting options on the Reporting Options tab on Level Range (RW00.2). As a result, they were able to meet the different needs of five key report recipients with different versions of the same report.

Illustration: defining a balance sheet with individual reporting options