Assigning employee pay

You must assign employees to pay features to ensure that employees are paid properly when you run the payroll cycle.

You can assign employee pay in the Human Resources (HR) application. You might have set up some of this information when you set up the HR application. See the Infor Human Resources User Guide. Before you assign employee pay, you must set up pay structure. See Setting up pay structure.

  1. Access Employee (HR11.1).
  2. Specify employee pay information on the Pay tab. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Salary Class

    Select whether the employee is paid on an hourly or salaried basis. Your selection determines how employee pay is calculated.

    Pay Frequency

    Pay Frequency determines how often the employee is paid.

    Rate of Pay

    Rate of Pay indicates the employee's rate of pay. For an employee with an hourly salary class, specify an hourly rate. For a salaried employee, specify an annual salary.

    If the employee is assigned to a schedule, grade, and step, then the Rate of Pay field should be left blank to allow the rate of pay to default from the schedule.

    Schedule, Grade, Step

    If you use a Step and Grade Schedule or a Grade Range Schedule, then assign the desired pay schedule to the employee.

    If Step and Grade is used, then select the appropriate step, grade, and schedule, and leave the Rate of Pay field blank. If left blank, then the Rate of Pay field information defaults from Step And Grade Schedule (PR16.1).

    If an employee is associated with a grade range schedule, then select the schedule and grade, and specify a rate of pay in the Rate of Pay field. The Grade Range Schedule is used for wage analysis reporting. The ranges defined are used for reporting purposes, not to define the rate of pay for an employee.

    Note: To calculate overtime, the employee must be nonexempt and have a valid overtime pay plan assigned on the Pay tab.
  3. Select whether the employee is eligible for FLSA overtime in the Exempt from Overtime field.
  4. If you want the employee to be eligible for FLSA Overtime, then select the FLSA OT Pay plan in the Pay Plan field.
    Note: An employee must be associated to a pay plan to be paid. Associate the employee with a pay plan on Employee (HR11.1) individually or on Pay Plan Schedules (PR22.1) by process level, pay frequency, or company.
  5. Select whether the employee is a tipped employee in the Tipped field. By flagging tipped employees, minimum wage is verified and the tip credit calculation is performed correctly.
    Note: An employee must be assigned to a status code with a payment status of either PN or PB to be allowed to receive pay.
  6. If the employee has his or her check automatically deposited, then select whether all or a portion of the check is deposited in the Automatic Deposit field.
  7. If the employee will be assigned an automatic time record, then select which type of records can be entered for the employee.
    If you want to generate Select
    Both standard time records and employee group time records Yes
    Only employee group time records Time Group
    Only standard time records Standard