How Do I Prepare for Payroll Cycle Processing?

Perform the following steps to prepare for payroll cycle processing:

  • Edit time records

  • Verify the payroll cycle status

  • Update deduction changes

  • Update benefit changes

Edit time records using Missing Time Records (PR136) and Time Record Edit (PR135). When time records are no longer in Batch status, perform time record maintenance on Time Record Entry (PR36.1).

When necessary, verify final time records by processing Time Record Edit (PR135) for all Current status time records. Verify time records before calculating the earnings and deductions.

Verify the payroll cycle status using Payroll Cycle Status (PR00.1). Inquire on the Payroll Cycle Status (PR00.1) to verify the previous payroll cycle is closed for the process levels you plan to process.

Update deduction changes using the Ded, Garn Fee, PSG Update (PR115). Run this report to update employee deductions with changes made to information on Employee Deduction (PR14.1), United States Employee Garnishment (PR26.1), or Canada Employee Garnishment (PR47.1). If you override deduction information at the employee level, the information is not updated.

If another report must be run, the Earnings and Deductions Calculation (PR140) gives an edit message when you attempt to add, change, or submit PR140.

If you have not updated benefit changes, run the necessary programs to update benefit changes.