Defining company allocations

Allocation levels separate areas of an organization for calculating shortfall allocation. The application calculates shortfall allocations for each employee in each level in which they report tip income.

Before you set up company allocations, you must ensure the Tips application is set up. What do I need to Set Up Before I Use the Tips application?

Define company allocations

  1. Access Company Allocation (TP00.1).
  2. Select the calculation method you want to use for this allocation level in the Allocation Method field.
    Note: The maximum integer places are defined within the application, so begin the allocation percent with a decimal point.
  3. Type the calculation percent for the allocation level in the Allocation Percent field.
  4. In the Control Totals field, select whether the total gross receipts entered on Gross Receipts Allocation (TP20.3) for an allocation level must balance with the individual gross receipts entered for that allocation level for the same period of time.

    The selection you make in the Control Totals field affects all allocation levels defined for the selected company that use the Individual Gross Receipts allocation method.

  5. If you plan to file your federal report form electronically, type the five-character alphanumeric transmitter control code assigned to you by the Internal Revenue Service in the Transmitter Control Code field.
  6. Define the establishment. Specify this information:
    Establishment Number

    The number that identifies individual establishments that you are reporting under the same tax reporting ID.

    Note: This field allows 30 characters, but you should check the federal reporting form to make sure your establishment number complies with filing requirements.
    Establishment Type

    The type of establishment this allocation level represents. This information is reported on the federal report form.

    Establishment Name

    The establishment name.

    (Address Fields)

    The establishment address.

    Note: If you define an establishment name but do not enter any address information, the address defined on Company (HR00.1) for the selected company is the default.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List allocation levels Allocation Level Listing (TP200)