Calculate year-to-date tip shortfall allocation and update the summary records

  1. Access Shortfall Allocation Calculation (TP100).
  2. Select a Company and Process Level to calculate the shortfall allocation.
  3. Complete the form. Specify this information:

    In the Beginning Date field:

    Type mm/dd/yy (yy being the year for which you want to calculate year-to-date shortfall allocation)

    – or –

    Leave the field blank and mm/dd of the year you define in the End Date field defaults.

    In the End Date field:

    Type the date through which you want to calculate the year-to-date shortfall allocation.

    If this date is greater than the last year-to-date calculation date, the application performs the calculation and updates the allocation and employee tips summary records. If not, the application performs the calculation but does not update the allocation and employee tips summary records.

    Report Option

    The Report Option field defaults to a value of Y (Print Report).

    If you do not want to print a report but want to calculate new year-to-date records for viewing on the inquiry forms, select N (Do Not Print Report).

    Report Sequence

    Select the value determining the employee sequence of the report.

    If you do not select an employee sequence option, the sequence defined in the Print Order field of Company (HR00.1) for the selected company defaults.


    In the Update field, select N (Not YE Update).

    Once you run Shortfall Allocation Calculation (TP100) using the Y (YE Update) option, you can no longer access the records used in the calculation for further calculation or TP100 reporting.

  4. Select the Submit form action to submit the report.