Purging TaxLocator Records

You can use TaxLocator Deduction Purge (PR313) to purge inactive taxlocator records. The inactive records you purge start from the beginning of the selected year through prior years.

To purge taxlocator records

  1. Access TaxLocator Deduction Purge (PR313).
  2. Complete the form. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Job Name

    With the Add form action, type the name of the job.

    With the Inquire form action, you can select a previously defined job. The jobs displayed are for the active user.

    Job Description

    Type a description of the job.

    The job description helps you identify a batch job by providing additional information about the job name.


    Select the company for which you want to run the report.

    Process Level

    Select a process level to include only employees in the selected process level in the listing.


    Select a location.


    Contains the fiscal year for the data stored on this record.

    The year entered in this field determines the ending year for purging records. Records dated with this year and prior years are deleted.

    Employee Sequence

    Select an employee sequence to override the default print order defined for the company.

  3. Select the Submit form action to submit the purge.