Attendance classes

You can use attendance classes to group several attendance codes for reporting and inquiry. Also, you can tie an attendance code to several attendance classes depending on what data you want to use for your report or inquiry.


Grove Hospital established the following Attendance Codes and tied them to the Attendance Classes listed below. They set up the UNPAID Attendance Class to track the unpaid attendance codes for forecasting the payroll budget.

The Attendance Class ALL tracks all the attendance codes in order to forecast the manpower needed.

Attendance Class Attendance Code
UNPAID NL - Non-Paid Leave of Absence
SC - Sick (Employee did not phone in)
TA - Tardy
ALL ML - Medical Leave
NL - Non-Paid Leave of Absence
PL - Paid Leave of Absence
PO - Personal Day
SC - Sick (Employee phoned in)
SK - Sick (Employee did not phone in)
SN - Snow Day
TA - Tardy
VA - Vacation