Defining pay summary group relationships

Pay summary group relationships tie pay summary groups to pay classes to apply special edits or calculations, and for reporting.

Before you define pay summary group relationships, you must define pay classes and pay summary groups. Defining Pay Classes Defining pay summary groups

Define pay summary group relationships

  1. Access Pay Summary Group Relationship (PR20.3).
  2. Select the pay class you want to define relationships for in the Pay Class field.
    Note: You can associate a pay summary group with more than one pay class.
  3. Select the pay summary group you want to associate with the pay class in the Pay Sum Group field.
  4. Select if hours identified by this pay summary group are included, excluded, or subtracted for calculation and reporting in the Hours field.
    Note: If the pay class is used in other Human Resources applications, make sure that the values in the Hours and Wages fields correctly affect the reporting or calculation in those applications.
  5. Select if the wages identified by this pay summary group are included, excluded, or subtracted for calculation and reporting in the Wages field.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
View a listing of pay codes, pay classes, pay summary groups and pay summary group relationships Pay Code Listing (PR220)