Generating an Unemployment Continuation Form

Payroll provides a report that produces data for the unemployment continuation forms that are attached to state quarterly unemployment remittance forms.

To generate an unemployment continuation form

  1. Access Weeks Worked Calculation (PR289).

  2. Run the report if you intend to print the Weeks Worked on the Unemployment Continuation Form (PR291).

  3. If required, access United States Weeks Worked Adjustment (PR83.1) to adjust weeks worked.

  4. Access Unemployment Continuation Form (PR291).

  5. Select among the following options to produce edit reports:

    • Option 1 produces a detail edit listing

    • Option 2 produces a summary edit listing

    • Option 3 produces a negative wages report

      The negative wages report is important to ensure negative wages are not reported for an employee.

  6. Select among the following continuation form options:

    • Option 4: Continuation Form - Moore

    • Option 5: Continuation Form - Wallace

    • Option 6: Style A Cont Form - Wallace

Unemployment Continuation Form (PR291) prints the employee's Social Security Number and name with options to include the following information:

Field Information Reported
Social Security Taxable Wages Social Security wages up to the annual limit.
Total Wages All wages that would have been taxable for the work state.
Taxable Wages Wages taxable up to the state limit.
Excess Wages Wages in excess of the state limit.
Weeks Worked Number of weeks worked.
12th of the Month The number of associates that were paid for the pay period that includes the 12th day of the month.
Hours Worked Number of hours worked.
Pay Class Pay Class to include in report.