Releasing time records from batch to future status

You can release time records from batch to future status to provide an additional level of review.

Before you release time records to future status, you must enter time records into Payroll in batch status. Time records: entering

Release time records from batch to future status

  1. Access Batch Time Control (PR37.1).
    Once a batch is released, you cannot change Future status time records back to Batch status. You can only edit future status time records on Time Record Entry (PR36.1).
  2. Select the Inquire form action to display batches and the time record amounts and hours that have been entered for the batch.
  3. Type the control hours and amounts for each batch in the Control Hours and Control Amount fields.
    Note: If the control and entry hours, amounts do not match use Time Record Edit (PR135) and Missing Time Records (PR136) to find discrepancies in the entered time records.
  4. If the company uses batch control to control hours and amounts, review the totals in the Control Hours, Control Amount, Entry Hours, and Entry Amount fields to ensure that they match.

    If the company is set up to use batch control, you cannot release time records to future status unless the Control Hours, Control Amount fields and the Entry Hours, Entry Amount fields match.

  5. Select Release in the Line Action field next to each batch you want to release to future status.
  6. Select the Release form action.