Pay Rate Defaulting with Positions

You can set up employee pay rates in several different places within the Payroll application. If you do not enter a pay rate when you add a time record, the application uses a specific path to look for the pay rate:

  • The pay rate on the Pay form of the employee record is the final default.

  • The Alt Rates button on Employee (HR11.1) can also be used to override the employee pay rate for specific pay codes, job codes, or combinations therein.

When you create a time record, you can type a value in the Rate field or you can let a rate default.

Pay codes are defined on Pay Codes (PR20.4). Key Pay Rate Defaulting Fields

Alternate rates are defined with the Alternate Pay Rates subform of HR11.1. Key Pay Rate Defaulting Fields

For a rate of pay to default from a pending action, the time record must correspond to the effective date of the pending action.

When you set up a company, you can determine whether or not the application logs field changes to a history file by setting the appropriate parameters on Data Item Attributes (HR10). For a rate to default from the history file, you must log field changes and the date of the time record must match the date of the history file record.

When you use step and grade pay schedules and have selected All Positions in the Pay Rate field of Position Rules (PA06.1), the application looks at the employee's position/job record and then looks for the pay rate on the Position. In addition, when using step and grade pay schedules, employee alternate rates will not be considered in the defaulting of pay rates.

When you use All Positions, be aware of the following implications for defaulting the rate of pay in positions 2 through 5.

If the application finds pending actions that exist for active positions 2 through 5, the Pending Position/Job Actions rate of pay will default.

If any position 2 through 5 is selected on the time record and there is an ending date on that position that falls within the pay period as represented by the time record date, the application will continue through the defaulting scheme to Pending Actions For Employee for the primary position for the rate of pay.

The flowchart shows how the default pay rate is used if you select All Positions in the Pay Rate field on Position Rules (PA06.1).

Defaulting hierarchy: Pay Rate with Positions