Calculating retroactive pay

Use Retroactive Pay Calculation (PR131) if you have retroactive pay to calculate. A retroactive pay increase can be based on a percent of earnings or an amount per hour.

Calculate retroactive pay for all employees in the company, or for any subgroup of employees based on process level, department, union, job code, shift, employee group, payment dates, pay class, and pay codes, or both pay class and pay codes.

  1. Access Retroactive Pay Calculation (PR131).
    Note: For nonexempt employees, the time record date for retroactive pay uses the default from the work-period end date. For exempt employees, the time record date parameter is used.
  2. Select the employees who need retroactive pay calculated. Use the Selection tab to define general parameters for retroactive pay calculation. Specify this information:
    Processing Group

    Select a processing group to calculate retroactive pay for a specific processing group.

    You cannot select both a processing group and a process level or department.

    Process Level

    Select a process level to calculate retroactive pay for a specific process level.

    You cannot select both a processing group and a process level or department.


    Select a department to calculate retroactive pay for a specific department.

    You cannot select both a processing group and a process level or department.


    Select a union code to calculate retroactive pay for a specific union.

    Job Code

    Select a job code to calculate retroactive pay for a specific job.

    You cannot select a job code on this tab if you select job codes on the Job Codes tab. You can also calculate retroactive pay for multiple job codes.

    See Calculating retroactive pay.


    Select a shift to calculate retroactive pay for a specific shift. You can select up to eight shifts.


    Select an employee for the retroactive calculation in this cycle. You cannot select employees in addition to other selection criteria.

    If the Employee fields are left blank, then the calculation includes all employees.

    Employee Group

    Select an employee group for the retroactive calculation in this cycle.

    You cannot select an employee group in addition to other selection criteria.


    Specify the date range for the calculation.

    Pay Class

    Select a pay class that includes the kind of pay to include in the retroactive pay calculation.

    You cannot select both a pay class and pay codes.

    Pay Code

    Select a pay code that represents the type of pay to include in the retroactive pay calculation.

    You cannot select both a pay class and pay codes.

  3. Click the Time Record Tab. Use the Time Record tab to further specify parameters for retroactive pay calculation. Specify this information:
    Retroactive Percent

    Specify a percent value to calculate a retroactive increase based on a percent of earnings.

    If you specify a percent, then leave the Amount Per Hour field blank.

    Amount per Hour

    Specify an amount to calculate a retroactive pay increase based on an amount per hour.

    If you specify an amount per hour, then leave the Retro Percent field blank.

    Amount Per Unit

    Specify an amount to calculate retroactive pay increase based on a unit of pay. If you specify an amount per unit, then leave the Retro Percent field blank.

    Retroactive Pay Code

    Select the pay code for the application to use when creating time records for the retroactive pay increase.

    Time Record Date

    Specify a date for the time records created for the retroactive pay increase. Leave this field blank to use the work week ending date on the time records.

    For employees assigned to an overtime pay plan, the report creates a time record for each work week included in the retroactive calculation. The date on each of the time records is the work week ending date.

    Check Group

    Specify a check group value to associate the retroactive pay with a specific check group.

    Process Group

    Specify an alpha or numeric value to associate the pay code with a specific process group.

    Distribution Option

    Select how you want to distribute retroactive time records.

    Select Current Distribution to create time records using each employee's current general ledger account distribution defined on Employee (HR11.1).

    Select Historical Time Record to create time records using the general ledger account distribution from the original payment.

    Update Option

    Select whether to update the application with retroactive time records.

    Select Report Only to produce an edit report without creating actual time records.

    Select Update to create time records in addition to the edit report.

    Employee Sequence

    Select an employee sequence to override the default print order defined for the company.

  4. Select the Jobs tab if calculating pay for multiple job codes. On the Jobs tab, you can define up to seven job codes for which you can calculate retroactive pay. Specify this information:

    Entries in fields on the Jobs tab override entries on the corresponding fields on the Selection and Time Record tabs.

    Job Code

    Select the job code to calculate retroactive pay for a specific job. You can use this form to calculate retroactive pay for up to seven job codes.

    Retro Percent

    Specify a percent value to calculate a retroactive increase for the job code based on a percent of earnings.

    If you specify a percent, then leave the Amount Per Hour field blank.

    Amount Per Hour

    Specify an amount to calculate a retroactive pay increase for the job code based on an amount per hour.

    If you specify an amount per hour, then leave the Retro Percent field blank.

    Amount Per Unit

    Specify an amount to calculate a retroactive pay increase based on an amount per unit. If this field is left blank, then the application uses the entry in the Retroactive Amount Per Unit field on the Time Record tab.

    Retro Pay Cd (Retro Pay Code)

    Select the pay code for the report to use when creating time records for the retroactive pay increase for the job code.

    Pay Class

    Select a pay class that includes the type of pay to include in the retroactive pay calculation.

    You cannot select both a pay class and pay codes.

    Pay Code

    Select a pay code that represents the kind of pay to include in the retroactive pay calculation.

    If you do not select a pay code, then the pay codes you select on the Selection tab are used.

    You cannot select both a pay class and pay codes.

  5. Select Special Action to Add or Change the form.
  6. Select Validate Request to validate the form.
  7. Select the Submit form action to submit the report.
    Note: If you give a retroactive pay increase to non-exempt employees, run FLSA Overtime Calculation (PR132) to calculate overtime due on the retroactive amount.

    See Calculating FLSA overtime (U.S. and CA).