What functions does the Payroll Close perform?
After running the Payment Print, print payments and receipts on the appropriate forms, copy the direct deposit file to tape, and run the Payroll Close to close out the payroll cycle. The Payroll Close picks up all payments processed through the Payment Print for the population you specify.
Payroll Close can be run in report mode to produce a distribution edit report. Review this report for accuracy before performing the close in update mode.
After you run the Payroll Close in Update mode, you cannot go back and recalculate or reprint payments for the closed payroll cycle.
The Payroll Close serves the following functions in Payroll:
Creates open payroll distribution records
Updates the payroll history created by the Earnings and Deductions Calculation to a Closed status
Updates Benefits Administration history
Updates Time and Attendance history
Updates quarterly earnings and deduction totals
Updates Tips history for manuals and adjustments processed outside a payroll cycle
Deletes all processed time records and creates a copy of time records in history
Deletes all processed one-time deductions
Creates currency error distribution records
Deletes *'s in the payroll cycle status
Creates a summary and detail report or both of created general ledger transactions
It is recommended that you perform a full backup before and after performing the payroll close.