Importing purchase orders from non-Lawson to Lawson
You can import purchase orders from a non-Lawson source into the Purchase Order application. The batch program you run to import the purchase orders is Purchase Order Interface from Non Lawson (PO520). PO520 imports all the records that are needed to process purchase orders.
The first time that you run the program, Lawson recommends that you run it in Report Only mode. PO520 then creates a listing of records in error that were not interfaced, and you correct those using Purchase Order Interface (PO53.1). After the records are corrected, run PO520 again in Update and Report mode.
You specify a user-defined file name when running PO520, and indicate whether the source of the input file is a CSV or database input file. The program looks for the interface input file in the following directory:
$LAWDIR/ productline /work/PO520CSV (for UNIX and IBMi)
%LAWDIR%\ productline \work\PO520CSV (for Windows)
For information on record types, required fields, and file layouts, see the Purchase Order File Layouts in KB2218730 in Infor Customer Portal.
To import purchase orders from non-Lawson to Lawson