Analyzing bid responses

You can compare vendor responses with bids, compare bid responses with each other, and compare bid responses with current costs. You compare bid responses to help you decide which vendor bid response to select.

Bid Analysis (PO216) summarizes amount totals for each bid response, allowing for a true total cost comparison for the entire bid.

To analyze bid responses

  1. Access Bid Analysis (PO216).
  2. To analyze the bid responses you have received, use the following guidelines to enter field values.
    Procurement Group

    Select the procurement group for which you want to analyze a bid response.


    Select a bid name, representing a group of items for which vendor bids have been received.

    Control Vendor

    Select a vendor to use the items on the bid response (tied to the vendor entered) to build the list of items for the report, rather than using the item list from the bid (template).

    Purchase From Location

    Select a code representing an alternate remittance or purchasing location for the vendor.

    Current Price/ or Vendor Purchase From

    Optional. If you select Yes in the Current Price field and leave the first Vendor/Purchase From field blank, the first column of pricing on the report will show the current unit cost for each item in the bid.

    If you select the current price option, you can compare up to three vendors with the current price. Leave the first vendor field blank if you use the current price option.

    Purchase Quantity or Bid Quantity

    Select whether the report is to use the purchase quantity or the bid quantity.

    Purchase Quantity Date Range

    You can enter a date range based on the purchase order date to determine purchase quantities for bid items. If no date range is selected, the application creates purchase quantity based on a default range that is one year prior to the current date.

    Note: The date range you select for this report can be different from the date range you defined when you created the bid on Bid Creation (PO550).

    Select Yes to convert the purchase quantities to an annualized amount. For example, if the date range selected is three months, the annualized quantity would be twelve months, or four times the quantities for the selected range.