PO code

The PO Code is used in addition to the standard purchase order numbering to identify purchase orders. The full code set that you can use to identify a purchase order is PO Number, PO Release, and PO Code.

You can use a Purchase Order (PO) code to identify the owner, such as the buyer or vendor, that created the purchase order.

PO codes help your company avoid duplicate purchase order numbers in the application as follows:

  • PO codes define a unique number for vendors that supply vendor managed inventory.

    In order to satisfy application needs for a purchase order, customers who are vendors supplying vendor managed inventory create a purchase order for goods they have supplied.

    The PO code (used in addition with the PO number) eliminates the potential for the vendor and the customer to create duplicate purchase orders in the customer's application.

  • If you use an alpha identifier (code), PO codes indicate ownership of a purchase order on printed documents.

    In order to quickly determine who created the purchase order, you can set up PO codes with alpha identifiers to identify the location that created the purchase order. For example LAB1, LAB2, LAB3.

    The code can also be used to define a unique PO number set for the application creating the demand (Purchase Order, Inventory Control, Requisitions).