Subcontractor purchase orders
Subcontractor purchase orders are meant for subcontractor vendors for a specific grant or activity. They are used in conjunction with the Grant Management application. You must have completed setup in the Grant Management application before adding a subcontractor purchase order (for information, see the Grant Management User Guide). You must also set up the vendor as a subcontractor vendor in the Accounts Payable application (for information, see the Accounts Payable User Guide).
Subcontractor purchase orders let you subcontract part of the grant money you received to another institution. Thus, you can pay the other institution and also keep track of the information for the award sponsor.
A principle investigator (a person who subawards the purchase order to cooperating institutions) approves, rejects, or unreleases the purchase order. You can include several grants on a single subcontractor purchase order.
When the subcontractor purchase order is approved, future changes that unrelease the purchase order require approval.
The two ways to approve a subcontractor purchase order are via a Infor Process Automation approval process, or by using Purchase Order Direct Approval (PO24.1). Using PO24.1 bypasses the Infor Process Automation approval process.