Defining grade range schedules

A grade range schedule is a table containing a number of pay-rate ranges. Each pay-rate range is referred to as a grade. Use grade range schedules for wage analysis if the salary ranges of employees with the same job code vary. Defined grade range schedules are also the basis for edits that provide a warning message if the pay rate entered on Employee (HR11) is not within the range.

Remember salaries are either hourly rates or annual rates.

When salary ranges change, add a new schedule with the effective date of the new rates. If you add a new schedule, the record of the old pay rates is kept for historical information.

Grade range schedules are different than step and grade schedules. Step and grade schedules are defined in the Payroll application. You cannot assign an employee to both kinds of schedules.

Grade range schedules do not determine an employee's actual pay.

To define a grade range schedule

  1. Access Grade Range Schedule (PA95.1).
  2. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Type the name of the grade range schedule. It cannot be the same name as another grade range schedule or a step and grade schedule.

    Effective Date

    Type the effective date for the schedule. The same schedule can have multiple effective dates.


    If the company allows multiple currencies, select the currency in which the salaries are recorded. If the company does not allow multiple currencies, leave this field blank; the company currency defaults.

    Note: All grades in a schedule must use the same currency. In addition, you cannot change currencies in a grade range schedule. Instead, create a new schedule to change currencies.
    Salary Class

    Select whether the grade range schedule is based on a salaried or hourly amount. This field is required.

    Note: An employee's salary class does not need to match the grade range salary class. If they are different, the employee's pay rate is transformed to the grade range salary class when the compa ratio or percent of range is calculated.

    Select whether a grade range schedule is active or inactive. If a schedule is inactive, you cannot assign it to an employee or job code, type it on any time record entry forms, or select it for a personnel action.


    Type the grade of the pay rate range. This field is required.

  3. Select the Add form function.