Defining approved position budgets

Define an approved position budget to track position head count, FTE, or both.

Budgets in Personnel Administration

Approved budgets

Authorized counts

Before you define an approved position budget, you must have defined positions on Position (PA02).

To define an approved position budget

  1. Access Position Budget (PA70.1).
  2. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    The start effective date is earlier or the same as the budget approved through date defined in Position Rules (PA06.1). The end date is optional.

    Note: The use of authorized counts is defined on Position Rules (PA06.1).
    End Date

    The end date for a position budget record cannot overlap. The end date the system adds is one day before the day you added.

    Budgeted Headcount

    The head count you want to budget for this position.

    Budgeted FTE

    The FTE you want to budget for this position.

    Authorized Headcount

    The authorized counts, the system automatically copies budgeted head count over to this field when you add a record.

    Authorized FTE

    The authorized counts are used and rules require an FTE greater than 0, the system automatically copies budgeted FTE counts over to this field when you add a record.

    Budget Salary

    The salary to budget for this position. No Checks are performed on this field; it is simply a place to hold salary budget data related to a position.

    Authorized Salary

    The salary to authorize for this position.


    The reason for a change to the budget.

  3. Enter your information in the budgeted column. The head count and FTE count must fall between the minimum and maximum budget limits defined on Position Rules (PA06). If you use authorized counts, the application will automatically copy the budgeted counts over to the authorized column.
  4. Select the Salary tab to specify salary information for the position. The salary is used for information only and is reported on Encumbrance Variance Inquiry (PA82). The salary is not verified by the application.
  5. Select the Reason tab to specify a reason used when making a change to a position budget.
  6. Select the Add form function.