Defining salary ranges

Define the salary range for your job code. Use salary ranges for wage analysis if the salary range of all employees with the same job code is the same. All employees assigned to a job code use the same salary range for wage analysis. Defined salary ranges are also the basis for edits that provide a warning message if the pay rate entered on Employee (HR11) is not within the range.

To define a salary range

  1. Access Job Code Salary Range (HR06.2).
  2. Complete the form using the following guidelines:
    Job Code

    Select the Job Code for which you are defining the salary range.

    Sal Cls (Salary Class)

    Select whether this job code is salaried or hourly. This salary class is used when the application performs compa ratio and percent of range calculations. The employee's salary class does not need to match the salary class of the job code ranges.


    If the company allows multiple currencies, select the currency in which the pay is recorded. If the company does not allow multiple currencies, leave this field blank; the company currency defaults.

    Effective Date

    Type the effective date of the job code salary range. This is for information only.

  3. Select the Change form function.