Tracking health and safety incidents

Track government and non-government reportable information about injuries and illnesses. You define statuses, categories, and types for tracking your organization's requirements. Use the information for a variety of reports such as the OSHA 300 or 300A reports or the Canada Workers Compensation Board Form 7.

To track health and safety incidents

  1. Access Health, Safety Incident (PA90.1).
  2. In the Establishment field, select Define if an incident establishment is required for government reporting. After you have defined your incident establishments, select the appropriate establishment for the incident. If your company has only one establishment, leave the field blank.

    Once you have added an incident record, you cannot change the selected incident establishment.

  3. On the Main tab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select an incident status. To create a new incident status, select Define.

    Incident Date

    Type the date of the illness or injury. This is a required field.

    Govt Reportable

    Select the value that indicates whether the case must be reported to the government. OSHA Log, Summary Report (PA490) selects only government-reportable records.

    Govt Case Number

    If this is a government reportable incident, type the government case number. If the field is left blank, the report number defaults. OSHA 300 and 300A sorting is based on the government case number.

    Privacy Case

    Indicate whether or not the employee's name and Social Security number should print on the OSHA reports

  4. On the Incident tab, define additional information about the incident. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Incident Site

    Type the site where the incident occurred.

    Preceding Activity

    Type information about what happened before the incident.

    Incident Explanation

    Type an explanation about the incident.

    Body Part

    Select the body part affected. To define a new body part, select Define.

    How Body Affected

    Type a description of the body part affected by the incident.

  5. On the Location tab, track information about the location where the incident took place.
  6. On the Treatment tab, track first aid and treatment for the incident.
  7. On the Dates tab, track incident date information.
  8. On the Other tab, track any additional user-defined information about the incident.
  9. Select the Add form function.