Updating pending actions

Use Action Update (PA100) to update pending personnel actions and to list the updated actions. Run the update in Report Only to review the results of a pending action without updating Employee (HR11.1). If the results are not acceptable, edit the action.

When you update an action that employs an applicant, information about the applicant updates the corresponding employee program. This includes competencies, certifications, education, and so forth.

Note: If an employee is on the error listing, none of the fields on the action are updated for that employee.

If you are performing a mass pay action or a mass action, Action Update (PA100) lists the updated action, the employee(s) affected by the action, the action's selection criteria (for example, employee group or supervisor) and each employee's data items that were affected by the action.

If you maintain employee data using positions, run Position Update (PA102) prior to running Action Update (PA100). Maintaining position codes

To update pending actions

  1. Access Action Update (PA100).
  2. In the Job Name field, type the name of the job.
  3. In the Job Description field, type a description of the job. The job description helps you identify a batch job by providing additional information.
  4. In the Main tab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Report Selection

    Select the type of personnel actions you want to update.


    Select whether you want the application to update actions with effective dates up through the current system date. If you select no, you will need to type an effective date. If you are not running the update for a mass action, all actions with effective dates through this date are updated. When running a mass action, enter the effective date of the mass action you want to process.


    Select an update option. If you select Report Only, the application lists pending actions for your review. If you select Update, the report updates Employee (HR11.1) or Multiple Positions and Jobs (PA13.1) based on the action(s) and lists the updated actions. We recommend that you select Report Only to review the report before selecting Update.

  5. In the Employee or Position Action tab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select the action you want to update. Leave the field blank to update all pending actions.

    Processing Group

    Select a processing group to update. If you select a processing group, you cannot select a process level, employee group, employee, or action number. Employees are selected if the CURRENT process level is in this processing group.

    Process Level

    Select a process level to update. If you select a process level, you cannot select a processing group, employee group, employee, or action number. Employees are selected if their CURRENT process level matches this value.

    Employee Group

    Select an employee group to update. If you select an employee group, you cannot select a processing group, process level, employee, or action number. Employees are selected if their CURRENTLY a member of this group.


    Select an employee to update. If you select an employee, you cannot select a processing group, process level, or employee group. You can enter an action number to identify the specific action to be updated.

    Action Number

    Select a specific employee and/or position action to update. If a value is entered here, a value must be entered in the Employee field.

  6. In the Hire Action tab, use the following guidelines if you are employing an applicant.
    Check All Required Fields

    Select whether you want to check that all required fields are entered before you update the action. If you do not make a selection in this field, Yes defaults.

  7. In the Mass Action tab, use the following guidelines if you are performing mass actions.
    Action Number

    If you have more than one mass action for that effective date, type the action number that indicates which action to process.

    Note: The action number displays on Mass Pay Action (PA52.1) and Mass Action (PA52.3).
    Error Option

    Select whether to create a pending action for each employee for whom an error was encountered during mass actions. If you create a pending action, manually review, change, and rerun the update.

    Note: Pending actions created for mass pay action errors are viewed on Position, Job Actions (PA52.5). Pending actions created for mass action errors are viewed on Individual Actions (PA52.1).
  8. Click the Submit button.
  9. If a retroactive history correction method is Pending, then run Retroactive History Update (PA113) to update the action.