Assigning core qualifications

Core qualifications apply to all employees and applicants of a company. Define core qualifications with no associated job code or position code. Once core qualifications are defined, then associate qualifications to specific job or position codes. Assigning qualifications

To assign core qualifications

  1. Access Qualifications (PA08.1).
  2. Select a company for which qualifications are being assigned.
  3. Leave the job code field and position field blank.
  4. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select the qualification category.


    Select an HR code for the type of criteria that you selected in the Type field.


    Type a value which signifies the importance of this qualification as compared to the other qualifications. This value is unique to your organization and does not have program logic tied to it.


    Select whether the criteria is an essential requirement. If you select Yes, internal and external applicants must have this competency, certification, or education to qualify for any job or position on qualification search programs.


    The percent of time the employee will spend on this function.

  5. In the More tab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Competency Proficiency

    Select a proficiency value if you selected competency qualification. Unless you assign specific proficiency values to specific qualification competency codes or you assign default proficiencies for this company, all competency codes are valid. Assigning proficiency values to competency codes

    Education Subject

    If the criteria you are defining is an Education qualification, select a subject. If this criteria is essential, the employee or applicant must have a degree in this subject to qualify for a job.

  6. Select the Add form function.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List jobs or positions with qualifications, working conditions, physical and mental requirements or descriptions Position, Job Description Listing (PA208)