Tips about interfacing

You can interface non-Lawson transactions and account balances into the Multi-Book Ledger application, using the same basic steps used to interface non-Lawson data into other Lawson applications. Keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Conversion requires planning. You must consider carefully what data you need to interface and what data you can add later.

  • Your non-Lawson files must be in an importable data format such as a comma-separated-value (CSV) file with fields that match exactly the Lawson interface files.

  • The process does let you correct your mistakes. You can modify the data at three stages in the process:

    • You can modify the non-Lawson data file before you import it.

    • You can modify the records in the Lawson interface files (MLTRANSREL, DBMLMTR or MLMASTREL, DBMLMMR). You can also add entire records to the files.

    • After you run the transaction interface program (ML165) successfully, the non-Lawson interface records are deleted from the Lawson interfaces files, and the records become valid released records in the Multi-Book Ledger application. You can unrelease and modify these records. Maintaining journal entries