Interfacing valid attribute value ranges to Attribute Matrix

You can interface a non-Lawson file of valid attribute value ranges and attach them to attributes in Attribute Matrix. The valid value ranges are used to verify values you specify for the attribute. For example, an attribute of Opening Date might have a valid value range of 01/01/2000 to 12/31/2005. The system would not allow you to specify a date of 01/01/1999. Use this procedure to replace or add to existing value ranges that are used to validate values you specify for an attribute.

The attributes for which you are interfacing values must already be defined in the Attribute Matrix application.

Interface valid attribute values

  1. Prepare the non-Lawson attribute valid values file. The file must be in an importable format such as a comma-separated value (CSV) file and the file fields must match the order and data type of the fields in the MXVALREL (Unix/Windows) or DBIFMVR (IBM i) file. The file layout for MXVALREL, DBIFMVR is available in KB2218730 on the Documentation page on Infor Customer Portal.
  2. Transfer the non-Lawson file to the Lawson server that contains your Lawson environment.

    You can use a standard transfer utility such as ftp or the Lawson programwinptxfr. You may have to rename the file to match your server's requirements. For example, to transfer file MX-Interface.csv on yourc: drive to a Lawson server and rename it mxinterf, use this command:

    winptxfr -u mxinterf c:\\ pathname \\MX-Interface.csv

  3. Load the transferred file into the MXVALREL, DBIFMVR file. You can use the Importdb command from your Lawson environment prompt:

    importdb productline MXVALREL mxfilename

    where mxfilename is the name of the non-Lawson attribute value file transferred to your Lawson server in step 2.

  4. Run Attribute Valid Value Listing (MX260) to verify the value ranges before interfacing those records.
  5. View and edit the records in MXVALREL, DBIFMVR, using Attribute Valid Value Maintenance (MX60.1). You can add, change, or delete any records.
  6. Specify this information:
    Run Group

    This field is required to identify the group of records being interfaced.

    Seq (Sequence Number)

    This field uniquely identifies a record within the run group


    This field identifies the attribute for which value ranges are being loaded.

    Note: The attribute must exist in Attribute Matrix before you run the interface program.
    From Value Thru Value

    Depending on the options you select in step 5 of this procedure, the value ranges you specify in this field will replace or be added to the existing value ranges for the attribute.

    Note: You can specify more than one value range for the same attribute.
  7. Run Attribute Valid Value Interface (MX160) to load valid attribute value ranges to Attribute Matrix. This program moves records from the MXVALREL (Unix/Windows) or DBIFMVR (IBM i) file to the MXVALIDATE (Unix/Windows) or DBIFMVL (IBM i) file, unless errors are found.
    Run Group Attribute

    You can run the interface program for one run group or one attribute. If you leave these fields blank, the program interfaces all run groups and attributes.

    Update Option
    • It is recommended that you first run MX160 with this field set to R (Report Only) to get a report of what records would be interfaced and what records are in error before you actually update the records.

    • Select L (Load) to do a complete reload of all existing values and a load of new values.

    • Select A (Append) to append the values to existing values.

    • Select U (Update) to ignore existing values that do not overlap with values in the interfaced file; to override values that do overlap; and to add new values.

    Update Type
    • If you select the default value N (No) and some records are in error, none of the records are interfaced. If all the records are valid, all of the records are interfaced. The report prints both the valid and invalid records.

    • If you select Y (Yes), all the valid records are interfaced and deleted from the interface file. Records with errors are not interfaced and can be corrected. The report lists incorrect records.

      Note: This field is not relevant if the Update Option field is set to R (Report Only).
  8. View the report generated by MX160. If it contains errors:
    1. Correct the records, using MX60.1.
    2. Run MX160 again.
    3. Repeat this step until the report shows no errors.