What are Handling Codes?
Handling codes define the invoice type, and how to process an invoice during invoice entry. You can define handling codes for the following:
match invoices (which includes service lines)
service only invoices
add-on charges/allowances (AOC) invoices
drop ship invoices
expense invoices
The handling code will default during invoice entry unless you enter an override. Handling codes default according to this hierarchy: invoice entry, vendor-company, vendor, vendor class, process level, and match company.
After you enter a handling code and add the invoice, the handling code cannot be changed. You must delete the invoice and re-enter it.
In conjunction with Match Invoice handling code there is the option to use Add on Cost/Allowances when considering the lines for match. To include the AOC, set the Cost Component Flag to Yes. There is a option to add a separate rule group and rule order if the option is selected.
There is an additional parameter on the handling code screen, Use PO Charges and Allowances. This should be set to Yes if your organization uses add on charges and allowances and you select to bring over those fees from the purchase order. If No is the option, the AOC details will not be automatically added on the invoice and the user will be required to access an additional screen to add those AOCs from the purchase order.