Defining Match Rules and Match Rule Groups

You define rule groups that will be used during invoice matching. Rule groups are made up of individual match rules and are assigned to match tables. Rule groups can also be assigned to the vendor class, vendor, MA Company for use with Messaging, and invoice.

Note: The match option of Extended/Quantity is designed to compare the total invoice quantity and the total extended cost to the total receipt quantity, and is available for invoice-level matching.

To define match rule groups and match rules

  1. Access Match Rule Groups (MA00.4).
  2. Define a unique name and description for the match rule group.
  3. Define the match rules. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Note: If you use Invoice messaging, you need to have at least one rule with a detail match level in the rule group you will assign on the Invoice Matching Company (MA01.1).

    Select a match level for this match rule.

    IM = Invoice Match (can use all match types with IM)

    DM = Detail Match (can use all match types, except All to All)


    Select a match type.

    1-1 = One to One

    A-1 = All to One

    1-A = One to All

    A-A = All to All (only for invoice match)

    Note: For a 1-A detail match, all receipts must be in the pool at the time of the match.

    If you have multiple rules, number the rules in the sequence you want them to be processed.


    Select whether to use extended cost, unit cost, or extended/quantity for comparison of tolerance amounts for each rule. Invoice Match uses the Extended Cost or the Extended/Quantity option.

  4. Click the Tolerance button to define match tolerances; Tolerances (MA00.9) displays. You can define tolerances for matching and messaging tolerances and the type of invoice messaging you are using.

    Using invoice messaging

    Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Match tab

    Define over and under tolerance options for cost and quantity. You have two tolerance options: you can choose an amount and a percent, or you can choose an amount or a percent.

    For costs that are within your defined over tolerance, you can automatically generate a chargeback by selecting Yes in the Chargeback field.

    Note: Large under tolerances can potentially close your receipt line prematurely.

    If you leave the Under Cost field blank, any invoice cost that is less than the receipt cost will not match.

    Quantity tolerances are used only if the matching option for the match rule is set to Unit. You define match rules using Match Rule Groups (MA00.4).

    PO Cost Msg tab

    Define unit cost tolerance options for over and under differences.

    Match tolerances are used for all invoice types for the initial match. For example an invoice with a service only handling code uses the match tolerance tab for its initial match tolerances. If the service invoice fails the reconciliation match will use messaging tolerances if those exist.

    Reconciliation Msg tab

    Define unit cost/quantity tolerance options for over and under differences.

    Also define the following messaging options:

    Open Message - Yes indicates that you want a message created that will be treated like all other invoice messages if the match is not within under cost/quantity tolerances.

    Closed Message - Yes indicates that if the match is not within under cost/quantity tolerances, a message will be created and closed so that no further action can be taken upon it.

    Quantity Type Service Msg tab

    Define unit cost/quantity tolerance options for over and under differences.

    This option will be used to determine the creation of messages for quantity type services that were entered on a purchase order or service agreement.

    Amt Type Service Msg tab

    Define the Over Extended Cost tolerance only. For amount type services the message is created when the invoice(s) amount exceeds the total of the service line or agreement line.

  5. Select the Add form action to add the rule group.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
List rule groups assigned to a company Code Listing (MA205)