How does the Accounts Payable application affect Invoice Matching?

Before you use the Invoice Matching application, become familiar with the Accounts Payable features in the table below. These features affect the Invoice Matching application. For more detailed information, please see the Accounts Payable User Guide.

Feature Definition Effect on Invoice Matching
Cash Management Cash Management is a Lawson application that helps to define the cash flow for your company.

You must define the following:

  • Banks

  • Bank accounts (cash codes)

  • Payment types (transaction codes)

  • Formats (ACH tape, EDI, printed check)

Tax Company Define a tax company. At the company level, you indicate which tax application you will be using and whether you will define tax accounts for the entire company or for each tax code. Tax company indicates how you want to track taxes. You must define a Tax company, even if you do not use the Tax application to calculate taxes. (A Tax company must exist before you can enter a purchase order.)
Tax Codes Tax is a Lawson application that allows you to define tax information for your company, including tax codes. A tax code is assigned to a taxed invoice. It identifies the tax authority you will pay. You must define tax codes to identify the taxable status of an item.
Terms Code Terms codes define payment terms associated with a vendor, purchase order, or an invoice. Terms codes are used to automatically calculate invoice due date and discount percentage. When you define the terms you use most commonly, you can save time and improve accuracy during invoice entry.
AP Vendor Group An identification number associated with one or more vendors. Vendor group and vendor class make up the vendor structure for your company.

After you set up a vendor group, you can assign it to one or more companies throughout your business organization.

You process and report on vendor transactions for multiple companies simultaneously through a vendor group.

At least one vendor group is required.

AP Vendor Class A subset of vendors in a vendor group. You define vendor classes to organize and categorize your company's vendor records within a vendor group. At least one vendor class for each vendor group is required.
AP Company The Accounts Payable company contains invoice processing parameters for non-match invoices. The following invoices are non-match invoices: Accounts Payable expense, service, drop ship, and AOC (add-on charge) only.

Your Accounts Payable company defines how to release non-match invoices for payment processing. During company setup, you decide whether to use invoice approval or batch release to release invoices. Companies that process a large volume of invoices may prefer batch release. Companies with a lower volume of invoices may choose invoice approval, which requires that all invoices are individually approved and released.

The tax tolerance amount (set up on the Accounts Payable company) is used to compare tax on the PO invoice. You cannot release or match an invoice if the tax difference is greater than the tax tolerance amount from Company (AP00.4).

AP Process Level An alphanumeric value that identifies a division, department, or cost center within a company as its own processing unit. This defines the process levels used in both Accounts Payable and Invoice Matching. Accounts Payable process levels are required during invoice entry and can be used to override default accounts. Setting up Invoice Matching
AP Vendor Accounts Payable vendor contains name, address information, legal names, remit to addresses, payment terms, vendor group, vendor class, invoice options, and matching options.

You are required to assign a vendor to a vendor group, a vendor number, and address information. Accounts Payable vendors must be defined before defining Purchase Order vendors and prior to invoice entry.

Use the Vendor - Company Codes subform to assign default codes to a vendor at a company level for one or more companies associated with the vendor group.

For each vendor, you can define optional information that directly affects Invoice Matching:

  • match reference processing

  • Invoice Matching options that override the Invoice Matching Company setup, such as match table, pool option, creation of Proof of Delivery

  • handling code that defaults onto invoices

AP Vendor - Company Codes assigned to a vendor at a company level for one or more companies associated with the vendor group. This form is accessed from the Default tab on Vendor (AP10.1). You can assign a handling code that overrides the vendor level and the Invoice Matching Company setup.
Hold Codes A code indicating that processing of orders, invoices, and payments is suspended. You define hold codes that represent different situations for suspending processing of an invoice. Hold codes can be temporary or permanent.
Pay Group A set of companies/ process levels that are grouped together for payment processing. Pay groups define units within a company that process their own payment cycles separately from other organization units. You can define pay groups that let you consolidate payments from multiple Accounts Payable companies to a vendor.
Vendor Location A remittance or purchasing location for a vendor. Vendor locations track remit to and purchase from payment processing and balance information under a single vendor number. If you define payment processing and purchasing information specific to a location, you can report or inquire on the information both for the individual location and the vendor as a whole.

Planning Accounts Payable Setup for Invoice Matching

Procedure flow: Planning Cash Management setup for Invoice Matching
Procedure flow: Planning Tax setup for Invoice Matching
Procedure flow: Planning Terms setup for Invoice Matching
Procedure flow: Planning Accounts Payable setup for Invoice Matching