Step 2: Matching Invoices

You have three options for matching invoices:

  • Online

  • Auto match (batch)

  • Interface


Online matching allows you to perform a match using one of the invoice entry forms.

Auto match

Auto matching lets you match a large number of invoices at one time using the Auto Matching (MA126) program. The invoices can be manually entered or interfaced (for example, EDI or ERS). Auto matching provides flexibility for attempting a match by allowing you to separate the invoice entry process from the match process. For example, you could enter invoices online during the day. You could then choose to run the auto matching process every night.

Note: The recommended process when using auto match for organizations with Supply Chain is to run the Purchase Order interface (PO520), then the Receipt interface (MA531). The Invoice Interface (MA540) will bring in the invoices and finally the Auto Match program (MA126).

When creating EDI and ERS invoices, you have the option to create and match the invoices using the respective creation program. Or you can create the invoices using the respective creation program and then match the invoices using the Auto Matching (MA126) program. In auto matching or matching during EDI and ERS invoice creation, you select the rule group you want to use for processing.

Two reports are produced: a match report and, optionally, an unmatched invoice listing report.


When you interface invoices by running Invoice Interface (MA540), you have the choice of adding invoices to the Lawson Invoice Matching application:

  • without matching

  • automatically attempting a match

Invoices that are added without being matched are added as unreleased. If you select Add and Match, the invoices are added as released. Matched invoices are then available for payment in the Accounts Payable application. To save processing time, the invoices can be interfaced using the MA540 with a setting of Add Invoices and then matched using the MA126 for the match process.