Defining an hours-based allotment table

Use the following procedure to define an hours-based allotment table for use on the Allotment Tab of Accrual Rule (LP03.2).

To define an hours-based allotment table

  1. Access Hours Based Allotment Table (LP04.7).
  2. Complete the form. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Allotment Table

    Type or select a table code.

    Effective Date

    Type an effective date for the table.

    If you need to change a value on the table, add a new effective date to the table to preserve the historical table data.

    Table Type

    Select whether the table is for hours or earnings.

    Hours Service Class

    Select the service class that contains the hours which count toward the service levels values in the From Hours field.

    Length of Service Hours Update (LP188) calculates the length of service hours according to the Hours Service Class and Hours Service Type and stores them as length of service records.

    The length of service records can be viewed on Length of Service Hours (LP88.1) and are used by Employee Absence Plan Calculation (LP140) when allotments are calculated.

    Hours Service Type

    Select whether the values in the From Hours fields pertain to life to date (LTD), year to date (YTD), or prior year total (PYT) amounts since the Service Begin Date.

    The service type also defines if the From Hours values pertain to amounts within the plan, plan: employee group, plan: employee group: position, or all.

    For example, if you select the 01 LTD plan, all hours in the service class from the service begin date for all qualified positions in the plan are counted. Qualified positions are held on either Employee Absence Plan Master (LP31.1) or Employee Absence Plan Enrollment (LP32.1) for this plan.

    Length of Service Hours Update (LP188) calculates the length of service hours according to the Hours Service Class and Hours Service Type and stores them as length of service records. The length of service records can be viewed on Length of Service Hours (LP88.1) and are used by Employee Absence Plan Calculation (LP140) when allotments are calculated.

    From Cycle

    Type the start of the range. Leave this field blank on the first record if allotments should begin when no length of service hours have been recorded.

    Amount or Percent

    Type an amount or percent to be used for the calculation.

    If you type a value in this field, you must also use the Indicator field to specify whether this number is an amount or a percent. Amounts are added; percents are multiplied.

    Note: To enter 50 percent, enter 50.0000. A percent should not be entered without a calculation.

    Select whether the value is an amount or percent.


    Select a calculation to be used by the table. If an amount or percent is also entered, it is applied to the result of the calculation.


    Type the maximum for the combined result of the amount, percent, or calculation.