Purging employee absence plan information

Use the following procedure to purge all information for an employee absence plan, including the Plan Master and its logged history, enrollment records, transaction detail and summary records, and length of service records.

Purging absence plan information permanently removes absence data from the application. The purge process does not create a backup of the information it purges.
Note: Employee absence plan information must be purged before an employee can be purged.

Before you purge employee absence information, you should perform a system backup before running this program in Update mode.

To purge employee absence plan information

  1. Access Employee Absence Plan Purge (LP331).
  2. Select the data you want to purge. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Purge Option

    Select the records to be purged.

    The value in this field determines the other parameter values that can be entered .

    Absence Plan

    If you select purge options 1 (Selected Plan, All Employees) or 2 (Selected Plan, Selected Employees), select the Absence Plan for which information should be purged.

    If you select purge options 3 (Selected Employees, All Plans) or 4 (All Employees, All Plans), leave this field blank.

    Structure Employee Group

    If you select purge option 1 (Selected Plan, All Employees) or 2 (Selected Plan, Selected Employees), use this field to limit the structures.

    If you leave this field blank, all Structures for the Absence Plan are purged.

    For Purge Options 3 (Selected Employee, All Plans) and 4 (All Employees, All Plans), leave this field blank.

    Employee Group

    If you select purge option 2 (Selected Plan, Selected Employees) of 3 (Selected Employee, All Plans), select the Employee Group for which Absence Plan information should be purged.

    If an Employee group is entered, other employee selection criteria may not be used.

    If you select purge option 1 Selected Plan, All Employees) or 4 (All Employees, All Plans), leave this field blank.


    If you select purge option 2 (Selected Pan, Selected Employees) or 3 (Selected Emploee, All Plans), select the Employees for which Absence Plan information should be purged.

    If you select purge option 1 (Selected Plan, All Employes) or 4 (All Employees, All Plans), leave this field blank.

    Employee Plan Master End Date

    If an Absence Plan should be purged only if its End Date is on or before this date, type an end date.

    If Absence Plans should be purged regardless of their end dates, leave this field blank.


    Select Report Only, to produce a report of the employee information that will be purged when you run the report using the Update option.

    It is recommended that you first run the report with the Report Only option, to review the information that will be purged. When you select Update, the program purges the employee and associated transactions from the selected plan, and lists the information that was purged. Once you run the plan with the Update option, you can no longer access that information.