Why do I need to correct historical employee service and event data?

Employee service and event records will ordinarily be interfaced from the Infor Payroll application. If you do not use Infor Payroll, these records are typically loaded in using Employee Service and Event Conversion (LP553) or directly entered on Employee Service Entry (LP53.1).

However, service records created by the interface from Infor Payroll cannot be maintained directly on LP53.1 once they are created. In addition, once a service record has been processed by Employee Absence Plan Calculation (LP140), you can no longer view or update it LP531. There may be times when you need to perform certain maintenance on historical service and event records, such as changing a reason code once the details of an employee leave of absence have become known and recorded.


Sue Stevens has been absent from work for 7 days. The time was originally reported by her manager as sick time, so that she would be paid for her absence. The time records have been entered in payroll and processed in both the current payroll and absence plan cycles.

Human Resources has now been notified that Sue will not be returning for approximately one month, and that Sue has been granted a medical leave of absence. The time initially reported as normal sick days need to be reclassified as FMLA time paid out under the sick plan. A different reason code is needed to ensure that Sue's FMLA usage is correctly tracked, even though the hours will continue to be paid out under the company sick plan.