Buying or selling vacation time overview

If your organization offers a benefit plan that lets employee buy or sell vacation hours, you create a dedicated buy or sell benefit plan in the Benefits application and link it to an Absence Management plan. The benefit plan establishes the number of hours to be bought or sold. Benefit enrollment establishes the deduction or time record for which net pay will be updated for hours bought or sold. Absence plan enrollment holds the vacation hours balance, and it must be updated for the hours bought or sold.

After you link a Benefits plan to an Absence Management plan, all of the structures within the plan qualify for the buy/sell benefit. If certain structures are not qualified for the benefit, you use Absence Plan Benefit Groups (LP15.1) to exclude them.

Once the plan is defined, an employee enrolls in the benefit plan to buy or sell vacation hours. Depending on whether they are buying or selling vacation hours, a deduction code or a pay code is created and deducted (or paid out) for the pay period.

Some employees have more than one master absence record. For these employees, you must use Absence Plan Hours Allocation (LP34.1) to determine the percentage that should be allocated to each master record.

When you process absence records, you run Absence Plan Hours Update (LP138) before running Employee Absence Plan Calculation (LP140) and Allotment Adjustment Calculation (LP145).

Procedure Flow: Defining Vacation Buy/Sell Plans