Purging employee service and event history

Purging employee service and event history is an optional task. If you have hours-based plans, you will not purge service history because Length of Service Hours Update (LP188) uses these records to calculate the length of service.

However, if you have cycle-based plans that make limited use of service information, you can purge old service and event history in order to reduce the amount of data maintained in the system.

Purging absence plan information permanently removes absence data from the application. The purge process does not create a backup of the information it purges.

Before you purge employee service history, you should perform a system backup before running this program in Update mode.

If you have any plans defined to use hours for length of service determinations, do not purge service history for years that need to be calculated by LP188. Purging service history is an optional procedure.

To purge employee service and event history

  1. Access Employee Service History Purge (LP353).
  2. Select a company and complete the form using the following guidelines:
    Employee Group

    Select the employee group for which service history should be purged. If you enter a value, leave the Employee field blank.


    Select the employee for whom service history should be purged. If you enter a value, leave the employee group field blank.

    If you leave both the employee group and employee fields blank, then service history is purged for all employees.

    Service History Dates

    If service history should be purged based on date ranges, enter the range of dates through which service history should be purged. If you want a range of dates, both a beginning and ending date are required.

    If you want to use a range of object IDs, leave the Service History Date fields blank.

    Service History Object IDs

    If service history should be purged based on range of object ids, enter a beginning and ending object id.

    Note: In the Service History file, Object ID values are sequentially assigned as records are created. If a file of data was loaded using Employee Service and Event Conversion (LP553), and the data was incorrect and needed to be purged, identify the first and last object id of the records loaded. If you want to use a range of object ids, leave the date range fields blank.
    Service Class

    To limit the purged service history to certain service codes, enter the service class to which the service code is associated. If a value is entered, then the Reason Class field must be blank.

    Reason Class

    To limit the purged service history to certain reason codes, enter the reason class to which the reason code is associated. If a value is entered, then the Service Class field must be blank.


    Select the action you want to perform. If you select Report Only, the application lists purged records so you can review them. If you select Update, the application updates and lists the purged records.

    It is recommended that you select Report Only to view the report before selecting Update.

    Purge Open Service Records

    Select whether to purge open service records

    Update Payroll

    LP Service History is linked to payroll time records. Use this field to remove that link when the corresponding LP Service record is purged.