Lease Management online analysis

Use online analysis programs to check basic lease data. Online analysis programs also enables you to use the Drill Around feature to view the underlying data. For example, Lease Invoice Inquiry (LM90.1) enables you to access company, lease, and invoice data from the Company field, the Lease field, and the FC field.

The Lease Management application provides these online analysis programs:

Action Process
View the status of invoices for a specific lease Use Lease Invoice Inquiry (LM90.1)
View general payment information on a lease, including the payment obligation amounts and payment activity over a specific period Use Lease Analysis (LM94.1)
View only non-lease component information on a lease, including non-lease component balances and non-lease component amounts paid over a specific period Use Executory Cost Analysis (LM94.2)
View only minimum payment information on a lease, (principal and interest information), including lease obligations over a specific period Use Minimum Payments Analysis (LM94.3)

Online analysis for leased assets

In addition, the Asset Management application provides these online analysis program for leased assets:

Action Process
View asset book information for a leased asset, including the asset number, tag number, book basis value, net book value, lease obligation and book totals Use Leased Asset Book Analysis (AM91.1)
View asset book salvage information for a leased asset, including the asset number, tag number, book basis value, salvage value, net book value, lease obligation and book totals Use Leased Asset Book Salvage Analysis (AM91.4)
View asset book depreciation information for a leased asset, including the asset number, the period, year-to-date, and life-to-date depreciation amounts, the lease obligation and book totals Use Leased Asset Book Depreciation Analysis (AM91.5)

Asset Management also provides other online analysis programs that you can use for any assets, including leased assets, provided that you know the asset number. See the Asset Management User Guide.