Releasing interfaced leases

After you have interfaced leases and lease payments into the Lease Management application, the leases will have a status of Unreleased. At this point, there is nothing to differentiate an interfaced lease from a manually-entered lease. Before you can proceed with creating payment invoices for the interfaced leases, you must release them.

Note: You must release any leased asset associated with a lease before you can release the lease.

Because of the large number of leases often involved in interfacing, the batch method is the recommended procedure to use for interfaced leases.

You can use one of two methods to release an interfaced lease:

Release method Options

Run Mass Lease Release (LM121) with the Release Option field set to R (Release Only) to release all the unreleased leases in a company, company group, or attribute matrix list.

Note: You can select B (Both Test and Release) in the Release Option field to combine the FAS 13 test and release tasks. But ensure that you are satisfied with the results of the FAS 13 test, since you can no longer change the lease classification after you have released the lease.
Online Use the Release form action on LM21.1 to release each lease one at a time.