Defining country codes

Each time a transaction is added for a company that requires VAT and Intrastat reporting, the application checks the country code of the seller and buyer. Intrastat data is collected if the country codes are different and each country is an European Community country. You can delete a country code only if the country code is not assigned to any of the 10 predefined address formats.

You decide whether a company is subject to VAT and Intrastat reporting when setting up the Tax company using Company (TX00.1).

This procedure explains how to define country codes.

  1. Access Country Codes (IN01.1).
    Note: Country codes and ISO country numbers are predefined by ISO. EC country numbers are predefined by the European Community.
  2. Select the country code.
  3. Specify a country description.
  4. Specify the NGA Country Code.
  5. Specify the ISO Country Code.
  6. Specify the ISO Country Number.
  7. Select Y (Yes) in the EC Member State field if the country is a European Community country.
  8. Specify the European Community Country Number. Leave blank if not a member of the European Community.
  9. In the Address Format Code field, select one of the 10 predefined address formats.
  10. Select the Add form action.
  11. To load country codes and their address formats, you must run Country Code Load (IN501).

Related reports and inquiries

To Run
List Intrastat country codes and their address formats Intrastat Country Code Listing (IN201)