Defining item groups

This procedure explains how to define an item group.

Procedure flow: Defining item groups

To define item groups, complete these steps:

  1. Access Corporate Item Group (IC00.1).
  2. Define header information.

    Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Automatic Item Numbering

    Select Yes to automatically number items. Select No to manually specify the item numbers. The default setting is No.

    Note: If you select Yes in this field, then you must also select Yes in the Numeric Item Number field.
    Numeric Item Number

    Select whether item numbers is numeric. Select No if the items are not required as numeric.

    Note: You can change this value after the items were corrected, if you selected Yes.
    Vendor Agreement Def Item Create Flag

    This field is needed for the creation of new item numbers when you are importing vendor catalogs using Vendor Price Agreement Load (PO536) or manually entering agreements. The values are:

    • Select Sequential to create the next sequential item number.

    • Select Assign to assign the item number from another field.

    • Select Manual to manually specify the new item number.

    Commodity Structure

    Select a commodity structure to assign to the item group.

    You can assign a commodity structure if you have implemented Strategic Sourcing and have previously defined the commodity structure. See the Strategic Sourcing User Guide.

    Note: You can also load unit of measure information from an external source.
  3. Specify the units of measure.
  4. Select the Add form action.
  5. If you want comments to automatically print on documents, then you must define comment types.
    Note: Select the Add form action for comment types and report options, even if you do not define comment types.
  6. Select the Add form action.
  7. If you defined comment types, then you must decide where to print those comment types.
  8. Select the Add form action.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List item groups Item Group Listing (IC200)