Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List usage (receipts) history for a specific item for a given year Usage History (IC49)
List transaction history for a specific item by update date or transaction date Transaction History (IC50)
Audit transaction history by update date, transaction date, transaction type, accounting unit, transaction value, and unit price Transaction History Inquiry (IC55.1)
List unreleased documents for a company Unreleased Documents (IC222)
List item balances for a location Item Location Balances (IC31)
View the daily inventory transactions Daily Transaction Summary (IC37)
View the status of stock at a particular location, or group of locations from one form Inventory Stock Status (IC44)
View the stock on hand at a company level, report group level, or location level Inventory Status (IC46)
Print the accumulated inventory transaction amounts for a specified company, location, report group, groups of document type, or group of items Transactions by Document Type (IC287)