Replacing kit components

You can replace or delete components and calculate new component quantities for both

  • make-to-order and

  • finished good kits.

To replace kit components

  1. Use Kit Component Replacement (IC61.1).
  2. On the Kit Component Replacement form, select or type the following data.
    Item Group

    The item group for which you want to replace kit components. The item group must first be defined in Corporate Item Group (IC00.1).

    Current Component

    The current kit component item number.

    New Component

    If you are replacing the component, select a new component.

    New Quantity Factor

    Optional. The new quantity factor.

    If specified, the original component quantity is multiplied by this factor to determine a new component quantity.

    Select Status

    The kits you want to replace, selected by status code. Select A (Active) or I (Inactive).

    Active replaces active kit components. Inactive replaces inactive kit components.

    Note: If you leave this field blank, all kits are replaced.
  3. Select the Replace form action.

    The application replaces the selected component. If you select a new quantity factor, the application also calculates a new component quantity.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
Inquire on all kits (both make-to-order and finished goods) that are associated with a component Component Where Used (IC65.1)
View item component availability for a specific number of make-to-order kits Kit Availability (IC67.1)