
Bins are a level of storage within a company location. A bin can be a specific area, rack, shelf, or row at the location. You set up bins at the location level and they may be defined a GLN in Global Location Numbers (IC58.1).

Before you set up bins, you must set up bin usage types and storage codes. After you define bins, you can set up items to be tracked by bin. Items tracked by bin are commonly referred to as "bin-tracked items."

Bin usage types

A bin usage type allows you to limit the types of transactions that you can perform on a bin. When you assign bin usage types to a bin, you have the option to allow or restrict items issued from or received into the bin. If you use bin usage types to restrict items, you can only transfer items in or out of bins. Bin usage types are set up at the company level.

Storage codes

A storage code is a method that you can use to assign physical limitations to a bin or an item. You set up storage codes when you set up bins.

Bin-tracked items

A bin-tracked item is an example of an item tracking method within the Inventory Control application. This method enables you to track items by their bin location. When you set up items, you indicate if an item is to be tracked by bin.