Adjust inventory quantities

  1. Access Adjustments (IC24.1).
  2. Define header information.
  3. Specify or select the item or items that need to be adjusted.
    Note: To subtract items from inventory, specify the quantity you are subtracting followed by a minus sign.
  4. Specify the item quantity that you want to add or subtract.
  5. Specify the unit of measure of each item. The unit cost will default from the most recent Costing Record file or the last received cost from the Item Location file. If the program does not find a cost, specify the correct cost.
  6. To add item quantities for incoming issues, specify the unit cost of the item.
  7. If the item is bin-tracked, specify the bin information.
  8. Select the Add form action.
  9. If you adjust any items that are detail tracked, you are prompted to complete a Walk Thru. If an item is tracked by bin, lot, serial number, or UDI, you are transferred to Lots (IC29.1), Serials (IC29.2), Bins (IC29.3), or UDI (IC29.5).
    You cannot view or make changes to the adjustment on Adjustments (IC24.1) after you release the document. Use Transaction History (IC50.1) or Released Document Report (IC250) to view the document and create an adjustment to change stock-on-hand.
  10. Release the adjustment document.