AD - Direct Deposit Master

  • Employee report Detail topic.

  • Accesses data from the Employee Direct Deposit file.

  • Provides data about direct deposit or account parameter records for a given employee.

  • Valid only with the Payroll system.

  • Data loaded by Direct Deposit Distribution (PR12.1).

    Item name Description
    ACH Number Assigned sequence number
    ACH Dist Order Indicates the order that direct deposit distributions are taken
    Account Type Employee's bank account type
    Amount Amount to be deposited
    Bank Account Nbr Employee's bank account number
    Beginning Date First date deposit can be made to account
    CA Institution Nbr Institution number of the bank where the system sends the direct deposit payment
    CA Transit Nbr Transit number of the bank branch to which the system sends the direct deposit payment
    Deduction Cycles Deduction cycles for deposit
    Default ACH Account number where all monies that cannot be deposited in the other accounts are deposited
    Description ACH distribution description
    Ending Date Last date deposit can be made to account
    Occurrences - Orig Number of times to make the deposit
    Occurrences - Remain Remaining number of times to make the deposit
    Payment Description Description to be printed on payment stub
    Percent Of Net Percent of net payment for deposit
    Prenotify Status Bank prenotification status for account
    Receiving DFI Employee's bank routing (DFI) number
    Roll Number Additional bank information needed if an employee's bank is a building society (UK only)