Payment status

A payment status is assigned to each employee status code to describe an employee's eligibility to receive pay and benefits. Four pre-defined payment statuses are provided: Pay with Benefits (PB), Pay without Benefits (PN), No Pay with Benefits (NB), No Pay and No Benefits (NN). The first character in each status code (e.g. PB) determines whether the employee is eligible to be paid. The second character (e.g. PB) is informational only and does not trigger or prevent benefits enrollment.


Two Rivers Company assigns payment statuses to each of their employment status codes to reflect the employee's eligibility to receive both pay and benefits according to the employment status code that is assigned to them.

Example: Payment Statuses

Status Description Payment Status
AF Active Full-time PB (Pay with Benefits)
AP Active Part-time PN (Pay without Benefits)
LO Laid Off NB (No Pay with Benefits)
RT Retired NB (No Pay with Benefits)
TM Terminated NN (No Pay, No Benefits)