ED - Employee or Applicant Education

  • Employee and Applicant report Detail topic.

  • Accesses data from the Emp/App Personnel Codes file where the Type is ED.

  • Valid only with the Personnel Administration system.

  • Data loaded by Education (PA20.1) and Applicant Education (PA30.1).

    Item name Description
    Company Sponsored Indicates if the employee's education associated with a specific degree is company sponsored (Employee only)
    Date Completed Date degree granted or education program completed
    Degree User-defined education degree code
    Degree Description Education degree code description
    Education Level User-defined education code level
    Education In Process Indicates if the education is currently in process
    Institution Name of institution where education received
    Institution Desc Name of school
    Education Rating Numeric rating of educational performance
    Subject User-defined education subject code
    Subject Description Subject Description
    Verified Indicates whether change to educational report was verified