JC - Job Code

  • Employee, Applicant, and History report Master topic.

  • History accesses data from the Job Code Parameters file.

  • Valid with all Human Resources systems installed.

  • Data loaded by Job Codes (HR06.1) and Job Code Salary Ranges (HR06.2).

    Item name Description
    Academic Rank Indicates academic rank
    Active Flag Indicates if job code is active
    Annual Hours Annual hour
    Beg Salary Range Beginning salary range
    Canadian WC Class Use to calculate workers compensation insurance premiums and to post workers compensation expenses to GL
    Direct,Indirect Tips Direct/Indirect Tips
    EEO Category EEO category for the job
    EEO Sub Code User-defined EEO sub code for the job
    Effective Date Effective date of salary range
    End Salary Range Ending salary range
    Evaluation Date Evaluation date of job code
    Exempt From Overtime Indicates if job is exempt from overtime pay
    Expense Account Nbr Expense account number
    Expense Account Unit Expense accounting unit
    Expense Full Account Expense full account
    Expense Subaccount Expense sub account
    Expense Dist Co Company to which expenses are distributed
    Gender Class Gender class associated with a job code for pay equity purposes
    Higher Eductn Catg Higher education category
    Higher Eductn Subcatg Higher education subcategory
    Job Class Job class to which job code is assigned
    Job Code Currency Currency assigned to job code
    Job Code Description Job code description
    Job Grade Salary grade assigned to job
    Job Market Base Base market salary assigned to job code
    Job Maximum Base Base maximum pay assigned to job code
    Job Midpoint Base Base midpoint pay assigned to job code
    Job Minimum Base Base minimum pay assigned to job code
    Job Pay Rate Base Base pay assigned to job code
    Job Schedule Grade range schedule assigned to job
    M3 Flag Indicator of which employees are created in M3
    Market Date Indicates a date for the market salary
    Market Salary Identifies the market salary for the job
    Mid Salary Range Mid salary range for grade range
    Occupation Group Indicates the occupational group used for Employment Equity Act (EEA) or Official Languages Act reporting
    Points Points assigned to job
    Prfsnl Profile Desc Professional profile description
    Professional Profile The value that indicates the professional profile available (only if Professional Profile task of Employee or Manager Self Service is used)
    Rate Pay rate assigned to a job code
    Rate Override Indicates if employee tied to this job code can be paid less than the normal rate
    Salary Class Indicates if the grade range schedule is based on a salaried or hourly amount
    Sched Currency Schedule currency
    Tenure Eligible Indicates if eligible for tenure
    Tipped Indicates whether an employee receives tips
    WC Class Worker's compensation class for job