Certifying Effort

Use Primary Certifier (GM65.3) or Secondary Certifier (GM65.4) to certify effort. If you use a secondary certifier, the effort records must be certified by the primary certifier first before the secondary certifier can certify.

Note: You can access Primary Certifier (GM65.3) from Actual Effort Entry (GM65.2). Select Primary Certifier (next to the Filter button). Secondary Certifier displays only if a secondary certifier is set up for the employee.

To certify effort

  1. Access Primary Certifier (GM65.3) or Secondary Certifier (GM65.4).
  2. Certify effort for the employee. Use the following guidelines to enter field values.

    Select Yes to certify the effort for the employee.

    If you are the primary certifier, and only a primary certifier is required, the effort status changes to Completely Certified (4). If both a primary and secondary certifier exist, the effort status is Partially Certified (3).

    If you are the secondary certifier, the effort status changes to Completely Certified (4).

    Note: You cannot "uncertify" effort records once they have been certified. You can, however, recalculate effort to create new records with a new sequence number.
    Note: Once you have certified effort records, run Effort Certification Report (GM165) and choose Print Only (3) in the Report Option field to create an audit copy of the effort report.

Related Reports and Procedures

To Use
Print a list of effort records that are not certified. Effort Exception Report (GM265)