Setting up an award in Grant Management

This chapter explains setting up an award in Lawson Grant Management. You begin the award setup process when your organization receives an award notification, often a Notice of Grant Award, from a sponsor.

Before you access Award (GM01.1) and set up a new award, you must complete general setup in Grant Management. The grant setup tasks include creating reusable institution profiles, location profiles (if applicable), and Grant Management codes specific to your organization that identify other award data.

To set up an award, you must complete these procedures:

  • Enter specific details of the award

  • Set up cost sharing parameters

  • Set up program income parameters

  • Assign employees to the award

  • Assign subcontractors to the award, if applicable

  • Identify award protocols

  • Identify award deliverables

Note: Before you can set up an award in Grant Management define grant activities in Project Accounting, and set up contracts in Billing and Revenue Management.