How Often Should I Process Salary Encumbrances?

You can run Salary Encumbrance Processing (GM110) on demand.

You should run Salary Encumbrance Processing (GM110) regularly to make sure that salary encumbrances charged to a grant activity or general ledger account (department) are current.

Example: Normal Salary Encumbrance Processing

  • Daily: Run Salary Encumbrance Processing (GM110) with the Process Distribution Changes Only field set to Yes to update the template records that have changed. Using the changes only option reduces processing time for the GM110 program.

  • After Each Payroll Cycle: Run Salary Encumbrance Processing (GM110) with the Process Distribution Changes Only field set to No to process salary encumbrances for all selected employees.

Note: For Lawson Payroll users: Since General Ledger Posting (PR198) relieves commitments and updates Project Accounting and General Ledger transaction files, Lawson recommends you run General Ledger Posting (PR198) after Payroll Close (PR197) as part of the payroll closing cycle.