What Setup is Required in Lawson Human Resources for Labor Distribution and Salary Encumbrances?

Grant Management requires the Lawson Human Resources application for basic employee information, including the salary and benefit information for the grant employees. If an employee does not exist in Lawson Human Resources, they cannot be assigned to a grant and you cannot create labor distribution or salary encumbrances, or report effort for them.

Once the employee exists, the amount of information the Human Resources and payroll applications provide to Grant Management depends on the selections made on Company (HR00.1) and Employee (HR11.1). The options include:

  • If employer-paid expenses are charged to the grant

  • If an employee is eligible for labor distribution

  • If an employee is eligible for salary encumbrances

  • If an employee is eligible for effort reporting

Company (HR00.1) Setup for Grants

Some grants allow institutions to charge the cost of fringe, or employer-paid expenses, to the grant. You can use burdens, allocations, or fringe encumbrances to calculated fringe. If you use fringe encumbrances, you can set this option at the Human Resources (HR) company level on Company (HR00.1). How Can I Handle Fringe Costs?

Employee (HR11.1) Setup for Grants

You set up grant employees like any other employee in the Human Resources application on Employee (HR11.1). For grants-specific setup on the employee record, access Grant Management (HR11.3) by clicking the Grant Management button on the Pay tab of HR11.1.

On Grant Management (HR11.3), you can enable labor distribution, salary encumbrance, and effort reporting for the employee.

  • Labor distribution is set individually for each employee on Grant Management (HR11.3). If you select Yes in the Labor Distribution field, the employee's time records are eligible for labor distribution during Payroll Close (PR197) or Non-Lawson Payroll Tran Import (GM500). If the Labor Distribution field is set to No, normal payroll distribution occurs.

  • Salary encumbrances are set for each employee on Grant Management (HR11.3). If you select Yes in the Salary Encumbrance field, the employee's labor distribution records are eligible for salary (and optionally, fringe) encumbrances during Salary Encumbrance Processing (GM110). Enter fringe information to allow for encumbering fringe amounts in addition to salary amounts.

    • Effort Reporting is set individually for each employee on Grant Management (HR11.3). If you select Yes in the Effort Reporting field, the employee's time records are eligible for effort distribution during Payroll Close (PR197) or Non-Lawson Payroll Trans Import (GM500). You must also select Yes in the Labor Distribution field, select an effort currency and select at least the primary certifier (and, optionally, the secondary certifier) of the effort records.

      Note: The primary and secondary certifiers do not have to belong to the same HR company as the employee.

      If the Effort Reporting field is set to No, effort distributions are not recorded. You can use effort distributions to calculate effort percentages for each employee and effort reporting period on Effort Calculation and Certification Report (GM165).